Goals and Intent

There are so many opportunities throughout the day where I am tinkering with or thinking about something pedal related and realize only after I’m finished that I could have been documenting it to some minor degree. In the age of digital content creation and engaging customers, I can’t help but feel that I’m missing out or doing “it” wrong by not giving up my personal solitude to allow complete strangers in on my thoughts and processes.


This blog is my attempt to revisit some of those ideas while I have the wherewithal to reflect on them and deliver my thoughts properly through text, instead of spewing word vomit out into a camera and editing it until my eyeballs fall out of my skull. My aim is to also educate where I can and provide resources to anyone attempting to navigate pedal building, or the pedal market in general. When I first started building pedals the internet was a great resource, but finding the perfect resource felt like a new beginning and a more positive outlook to keep pushing forward, and I would like to attempt to be that for others where I can.


To be clear, I am a self-taught builder. Everything I discuss going forward will be completely through my own research and discovery throughout my experience and journey as a builder. I am subject to making mistakes and encourage anyone to point them out, as another goal of mine is to engage in community and discussion. My opinions are of my own, although I will remain unbiased in attempting to educate or inform others while speaking only from my personal experiences. My approaches may be unorthodox due to the nature of my DIY spirit and simple trial-and-error experimentation. Nonetheless, I intend to share with you my experiences in hopes that I can help someone along the way or simply provide a small amount of entertainment and/or pique your curiosity.

Thanks for reading 🎛️

Thanks for reading 🎛️
